• quarta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2010


    When the topic is "drugs", we notice that there is a very significant number of people who instantaneously associate this word with products whose consumption is not licit, which are: marijuana, cocaine, crack, etc. However, they forget that, both from the physical and from the spiritual points of view, other toxic products, who commercialization is licit, are as harmful, or even more pernicious, than those, such as, for example: alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, pills made in laboratories, etc. How many homes are dissolved and how much more crimes are committed, whose cause is drunkenness? How many incurable diseases are identified in people who have thrown themselves to self-cruelty, through nicotine dependency. Therefore, the fact that the substance may be legal or illegal does not have a direct connection with the danger that it offers.

    How many families would rather have the ones they love so much live in serenity before the crisis they face in life, and how many would like that the self destructive habits which they, by mistake, have taken as an assumed solution for their problems, causing pain and grief for themselves and their family groups, did not exist?

    To those who have already initiated themselves in the bad vices but have not established a high level of intimacy with the drugs yet, parents can and must support, with serenity, helping them, basically, not to become dependent on those toxic substances, in addition to teaching them to keep the flame of hope burning, ingraining in them the idea that they are just having a hard time of adaptation of the soul in disorder. Due to this, we must not abandon them to their own fate, because nobody throws herself/himself into the addiction to be unhappy, for everybody pursues happiness.

    There is a specific treatment for each chemical dependent. When the dependence is only and exclusively physical, it is announced in the withdrawal crisis, with not so significant reactions, and the cure is relatively easy. However, if the dependence is psychological, the reactions is much more aggressive, and the cure demands a much longer time. Hence the need of compassion, renunciation, and unrestricted familiar affection.

    The children, in their childhood, record in their mind all attitudes from their parents, both the good and the bad ones, which are shown in the intimacy of their homes. They grow up watching adults use tranquilizers when they feel tense or nervous and, almost immediately, they witness the first signs of serenity and balance produced by the action of the medicine. When they listen to their parents referring to drinking a cup of coffee to feel stimulated or smoking a cigarette to calm themselves down, such scenes are recorded in their minds, and, when they are faced with the first difficulties of life, inherent to all human beings in evolution, they seek in drugs the pretense existential harmony.

    They are equally attentive to the attitude of the parents of the friends with whom they have relationships, and then the contradictions appear, because many of them have different ways of dealing with children. Some of them are totally against the use of any type of drug, whether or not legal, but the majority considers socially acceptable the consumption of alcoholic beverages, the cigarette-smoking vice, the use of "power drinks", etc. All that not to mention the serious problem of the benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and methadone, whose continuous ingestion can cause dependence as any other drug, whether or not hallucinogen. In reality, drugs should not be evaluated based on their legality or illegality, but rather on the harm that they cause to one's health. Adults always have "occasion excuses" and ways to justify those paradoxical behaviors. However, it is a behavior model that does not serve as a reference to anybody, lest to those that are not adepts to the praxis that Jesus came to teach us.

    It was in the 19060's that tranquilizers appeared, scientifically knows as "anxiolytics", whose function was to treat the anxiety states, or rather, to treat states of psychic disorders and emotional problems of the daily life. The problem gains immeasurable proportions, when current researches indicate that the diazepam, one of such drugs, has become one of today's most popular "household drugs". By the way, it is important to point out that competent and respectable professionals who work with mental health and daily deal with human emotions already consider that prescribing them is the equivalent of a clear admission of a psychiatry's therapeutic failure.

    There are those who, at the smallest signal of distress or discomfort, take some "household drugs", a "soothing beer", a "small cup of coffee" or smoke a "calming cigarette" to calm their anxiety almost instantaneously. This is the basic principle of the dependent behavior paradigm, which is seen in a large number of adults and parents, in which, without "notice", they find themselves deeply ingrained in. Thus, they place in the unconscious of their children, students, and youth in general, the idea that problems can be solved, as if in a sleight-of-hand trick, with a "little help" from a substance derived from the sugar cane called alcohol; an innocent plant of the nicotiana gender (solanaceae), known as tobacco, or from an alkaloid, also harmless, known as caffeine, and so on. However, all of them act on the central nervous system and equally modify the whole individual metabolism.

    For many psychologists, if the issue of "drugs" was dealt with adequately at the level of understanding of the children or teenager, ceasing being something secret and mysterious, it would lose many of their attractions. To other specialists, the fact of a youngster trying drugs does not make him/her a dependent. Indeed. However, since nobody has the means to monitor what passes by one person's mind, let alone was passes by the innocent minds of a teenager, mainly because when "drugs" are concerned, youngsters attitudes are extremely silent, mainly because they all know how much society discriminates those who harmonize with them; trying them is not a problem for those who have their emotions well adjusted at the moment of their curiosity, but for others, not so psychologically well adjusted, trying drugs is a synonym of "continuing trying", always and at any time.

    For this reason, parents have to be always attentive and, tirelessly, in search for a sincere dialogue with their children and, above all, loving them, independently of where they are in the evolutionary scale. Parents must not desperate, mainly in today´s world. The best form of trying to neutralize the attraction that drugs exert is to stimulate the youngsters to try non-chemical ways to have pleasure. The "rushes" can be achieved through intellectual, artistic, and sports activities, It is up to adults to try to know the teenagers better to stimulate them to try more creative ways to have pleasure and intense sensations, but giving them examples of sobriety. (1)

    Coincidently or not, youngsters who are exaggeratedly into drugs are those who are little loved by their parents, those who feel misplaced in the family group, or that consider themselves less attractive, etc. For those and many other reasons, parents have to transmit confidence to their children through constant affection and love. After all, all human beings need to be loved, even knowing their imperfections, difficulties, and their real differences.

    The belief that happiness can be bought at a "Shopping Mall" and that the deceptions, anguish, sadness, and solitude have to be avoided at all costs, consubstantiate the relationship model between chemical dependents (consumers) and drugs (products). It is imperative that we demystify the formula imposed by society on individuals, that the best way to live is an extravagant and exaggerated syndrome of consumerism.

    It is important that parents remember that the conflicts and the acts of resistance are part of the emotional instability, natural in adolescence, and that those are not accurate indicators that their children are involved with drugs. This way, it is worthy that parents give them a vote of confidence and form an inexpugnable partnership with them, based on mutual credibility and respect to life. Parents authority (2) is not only acceptable by most children and adolescents, mainly when they have understanding and affection at home, but rather extremely necessary, for them not to feel insecure in life, and to avoid the inversion of roles.

    Another aspect to be consider is to never take extreme attitudes, as, for example: Verbal and physical violence or, motivated by extreme impatience, send a son/ daughter off home. Any precipitated act on the part of parents can be reverted against themselves in the future and throw them to the pain of a delayed regret. It is obvious that each case is individual, but never take any severe solution without trying all the fraternal, kindness, human solidarity and renouncement possibilities of adjustment available inside the hearts of those who follows Jesus Christ teachings. It is convenient not to forget, above all, that a devote prayer is the most powerful tool the man has as a solution against any suggestion from the evil.

    Speaking of solution, there are several parallel ways of helping those who depends on drug: Medical treatments; cognitive and behavioral therapies; psychotherapies, self help groups, to consider: Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, etc. In the experts' opinion, the treatment of drugs dependents does not require, in many cases, confinement, since the responses have not been favorable when they are distant from the family contact. Quite to the contrary, the inefficiency of the treatment in those conditions is seen, with a significant increase in consume when they leave the clinic.

    It is a matter of education in a crystallized family, in a dignified school, in an honored community, and not police repression policies, which establish more violence than solutions. All of us know that violence generates violence. The families that are faced with a drama like this at home must, in the first place, search strength in God, merciful and just Father, and in Jesus, because He did not come just for those who are healthy, but, basically, for those who are not; in the second place they must not show cowardice before the fact, because behind all moral fall there is a concealed cry of "help!". We have to talk, explain, guide, and assist those who have become victims of drugs, looking for both competent Medicine and Spirit Doctrine resources, in order to obtain the reeducation and happiness of those who were given to us by the Divine Law for our and their venture. (3)

    It is important that parents teach their children to keep permanent alertness through prayers based on a reasoned faith that the Spiritualism proposes, among other blessings, the mental balance and the strengthening. One thing is certain: Spiritualism does not propose specific solutions, restraining or regulating each attitude, nor dictates magic formulas of good behavior to the young. It prefers to accept, in all its amplitude, the rules of the Divine Law, which guarantees everybody the right of choice (the free will) and the consequent responsibility of their acts.

    Under the Spiritualist approach, we know that many brothers of our spiritual world who have used drugs when alive continue prisoners of their vices. They connect with their akins, the living addicted, magnetizing themselves in their perispirits, to absorb the pernicious emanations that come from the use of drugs.

    The noxious energies of the addicted from the other world can, in the long run, cause severe organic disturbances in the living addicted, such as: Lung cancer, problems in the liver, cardiovascular system, blood, respiratory system, brain, and cells, mainly the neural ones (4), due to the weakness of the vital centers of the addicted who are still alive. The destructive effects of the obsession and the drugs are so intense that extrapolates the limits of the physical organism of the addicted, reaching and substantially harming the balance and functionality of the perispirit. If death surprises them, even before they regenerate they preserve, in the spirituality, the stigma of the harmful practice which led them to the degeneration of their respective vital centers, visible in the perispirit.

    For all those reasons, we need to learn to serve, forgive and help young people between the walls of the home, supporting the balance of the hearts which associate us to the existence and, if we really devote ourselves to combat the evil, we are going to know the prodigies achieved from small sacrifices at home, based on the love therapeutic. (5)

    Let us first trust in God, and then choose, because the pills of love and affection, the drop of renunciation, the tea of love in the family, are the most efficient remedies to cure pathologies of any origin. These remedies are consubstantiated with great attention from parents to their children, showed through the healthy concern they have with their moral formation and in supplying their affective needs.

    Let's keep alert! Our children are our most precious jewels, we must not let them alone!

    Jorge Hessen




    (1) Available in the siteções, accessed on 09/08/2007

    (2) Authority must not be misconstrued as authoritarianism, arbitrariness, or inflexibility.

    (3) Franco, Divaldo Pereira. "Após a tempestade", dictated by the spirit of Joanna de Angelis. Bahia: Editora LEAL, 2nd Edition

    (4) The neurons keep a close relation with the perispirit, according to André Luiz in "Mecanismos da Mediunidade"

    (5) Xavier, Francisco Cândido. "Caminhos de Volta" - Several Spirits

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