• quarta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2010


    In human life, everything has a reason for being, nothing happens by chance, even when the situations seem to us as being tragedies. The recent air accident, involving the TAM Airbus that crashed against a building of its own company, beside the Congonhas Airport, in the South Zone of São Paulo on July 17, 2007, seems to us as an evident episode of collective rescue.

    Many of those "settlements" are demonstrated by the Spirits in works of the spiritualistic literature. André Luiz narrates an air disaster, in which the pilot, confused by the dense fog, could not avoid the crash of the large aircraft, shattering it against the mountain. In that case, an spiritual instructor comments that "the victims certainly committed faults in other times, throwing helpless brothers off the top of extremely high towers so that their bodies shattered onto the ground; suicides who threw themselves off high peaks or buildings, who, by now, only found resources in such distressing episode to transform their own situation". (1)

    As for the victims' closest relatives, how to insert them in the context of the facts? By the logic of life, they (the relatives, mainly the parents), were often accomplices of lamentable delicts in the past, and, therefore, needed to be put through those penalties, throning here the idea that there is no chance in the spiritualistic conception.

    How to understand the magnanimity of God's goodness and teachings of Christ in view of collective deaths which occurred in 1961, in that pathetic fire of the "North-American Gran Circus", in Niterói? How to understand deaths registered in the earthquake that leveled the historical city of Bam, in Iran, at the end of 2003? How to explain the accident with Boeing from Flash Airlines that occurred in Egypt, causing the death of 148 people on board of that aircraft on January 3, 2004? What is the meaning of those who were swallowed by the Tsunami waters, a tragedy whose dimensions made the entire world grieve? What to think, also, about the shipwreck of the Titanic, a transatlantic which carried nearly 2.200 people? What to say about the 3,000 victims from the attack to the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York, on September 11, 2001? How to interpret those fates?

    For the collective tragedies, only the Spiritualism has the logic, deep and clear answers that explain, enlighten and, as a consequence way, console the human hearts, before the bitter sorrow of those situations. The fact is that we have created blame, and we ourselves format the process to extinguish the effects. Before the tragic situations of Earth, the human being acquires more experience and more enlightening energy in the brain and in the heart, to defend itself and value every moment of its life. With the truths disclosed by the Spiritualism, the justice of the hardships is understood today, and it is understood as being an amortization of the debits from past lives.

    About that spiritual authors explain that people involved in violent crimes in the past and, also in the present, are brought back by the law for having neglected the gospel ethics. They return and gather at a certain time and place, suffering accidental deaths of many kinds, even in natural disasters.

    Thus, before we reincarnate, under the weight of collectives debts, we are informed, in the beyond grave, of the risks on which we are prone, the ways through which we can pay off the debt, however, the fact, in itself, is not deterministic, even because, its consummations depends on several circumstances in our lives, since the karma law admits flexibility, when love rules life and "love covers a plethora of sins". (2)

    Our historical records by the reincarnation ways often show our involvement in sad episodes, in which we caused pain and suffering to our neighbors.

    Many times, in the name of Christ, we burn people, in the fields, on boats and in the cities, in a blind process of persecution to the "infidels".

    As time goes by, before the whips of the conscience, we come across remorse, we beg to come back to Earth for the physical rebirth, with previous programming, for the collective disincarnating in painful experiences of fires, drowning and so many other traumatic situations to alleviate the torment that oppresses our minds.

    By reincarnating, drawn by a magnetic force (vibratory tuning), consequence of the crimes committed collectively, we meet circumstantially and, by means of drastic situations, we harvest the same evil that we perpetrated against our defenseless victims of past. Therefore, the faults committed collectively by the people (who return to the physical life) are sympathetically expiated, due to the spiritual bounds among them. Thus, explains Emmanuel: "in the collective trial, the summoning of the incarnated Spirits, participating of the same debt, with reference to obscure and criminal past is seen. The mechanism of justice, in the law of compensations, then works spontaneously, through Christ's agents, who summon the accomplices in the debt of the past for the mutual rescues, the reason why often you call - painful luck - the circumstances which gather the oddest creatures in the same accident, which may provide them the death of the physical body or the most diverse mutilations, in the structure of their individual commitments." (3)

    Although many accidents touch us deeply, would the tragedies be enough to rescue cruel crimes committed in a distant past. We are convinced that they would not, although the situations - such as the one lived on July 17, 2007 - drive us to question, how, for instance: Why those sinister happenings which arise so much compassion? Would it be fatality? Fate? Which concepts are in the semantic structures of those words?

    For spiritualists "fatal, in the true meaning of the word, is only the moment of death" (4), because, as the Spirits have told Kardec: When the moment to return to the Spiritual Plan comes, nothing "will rescue you" and frequently the Spirit also knows the kind of death through which it will leave the Earth". "Because this was revealed to you when you have made the choice of this or that existence". (5) Even more: "Thanks to the Action and Reaction Law and to the Free-will, man can avoid happenings that should happen, as well as permit others that had not been foreseen. (6) Fatality only exists as something temporary, in view of our immortal condition, with the purpose of "resuming the path" Inflexible fatality and destiny do not agree with the teaching from Kardec. Who believes being a "victim of fatality" blames only the external world for his/her mistakes and refuse to admit the connection that exists between them.

    The common man, in his petty interests, does not consider pain rather than as rescue and payment, not knowing the joy of bearing to sincerely cooperating in the construction of the Kingdom of Christ. Those who delight in the journey through the shortcuts of evil the law itself will be in charge of bringing back to paths of goodness. The past often determines the present which, on its turn, determines the future. Hurt for hurt, pain for pain" (7), the Master said. However, a remark has to be made: not all suffering is atonement In item 9, chapter V. of the Gospel According to the Spiritualism, Allan Kardec points out that: "One should not believe, however, that all suffering which one suffers in this world is, necessarily, the indication of one certain fault: Often it is just tests chosen by the Spirit for its purification, to speed its progress".(8) The words of the Codifier are clear.

    Those that generalize and affirm that all suffering is the result of mistakes made in the past are not correct. The development of the potentialities, the evolutionary rise, demands work, effort, overcoming challenges In this case it is the trial, and not the expiation, in other words, it is the tasks that the Spirits undertakes at its own request, aiming at its progress, the achievement of a better future.

    Within the principle of Cause and Effect, should not those who, together with other people, attacked their neighbors have to indemnify the debt together? This is the so-called "collective karma". (9) Every action we make, whether good or bad, comes back to us. Our past determines our present, thus there is not favoritism, predestination, or divine wills. The Spiritualistic doctrine does not preach either fatalism or blind conformism before the tragedies of life, even the ones called collective tragedies. What the Spiritualism teaches is that the law is only one: for every action we have a reaction.

    The important thing for those that stay here on Earth, in order to have the proper spiritual advance, is not to break apart due to lamentation, revolt because "the big test are almost always an indication of the end of the suffering and the improvement of the Spirit, as long as they are acceptable by love of God". (10)

    In view of the exposed, we affirm that the function of pain is to broaden horizons, so that we can really catch a glimpse of the concrete loving paths of balance. Therefore, before the karma commitments, in collective or individual expiations, we must always remember that the purpose of God's law is the perfection o the Spirit, and that, each day, we are walking towards that destination, where our personal effort and quest for peace will be acting in our favor, minimizing the burden of the debts of the past as much as possible.

    Jorge Hessen




    (1) Xavier, Francisco Cândido. Ação e Reação, Cap. XVIII, RJ: Ed FEB, 2005

    (2) Cf. Primeira Epístola de Pedro Cap. 4:8

    (3) Xavier, Francisco Cândido. O Consolado, RJ: Ed FEB, 2002, Perg 250

    (4) Kardec, Allan. O Livro dos Espíritos, RJ: Ed FEB, 1979, pergs. 851 a 867

    (5) Idem

    (6) Kardec, Allan. O Livro dos Espíritos, RJ: Ed FEB, 1979, perg

    (7) Cf. JOÃO. 18:11

    (8) Kardec, Allan. Rio de Janeiro:

    (9) The word karma is derived from the sancrit "kri", whose meaning is action. Therefore, Karma is the Law of Cause and Effect, or also, according to the third law of Newton, known as the "principle of action and reaction", which says: " To every action corresponds a reaction, with the same intensity, same direction, yet in the opposite sense.". And Christ, when putting back the ear of the Roman centurion that had been cut off by Peter's sword, sentenced: Peter, wrap your sword, because those who live by the sword, shall die by the sword.". We can notice there two wordings of the same action and reaction law: One, in a scientific way, and the other in a mystic one. The layman says: " You reap wind, you sow storm.

    (10) Kardec, Allan.O Evangelho Segundo o Espiritismo, RJ:Ed FEB, 1989, Cap.14,

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