• sábado, 16 de maio de 2015

    The upward march of Man’s ancestors

    Brasília, Distrito Federal (Brasil)
    Eleni Frangatos -

    Jorge Hessen
    Did “cave” men have deep awareness? "Researchers at the University of York have discovered that the Neanderthal man had a great sense of compassion. The conclusion came through archaeological evidence and by watching how emotions took place in our ancestors six million years ago, when man and chimpanzees’ ancestors, common to both, experienced the awakening of the first feelings. For archaeologists, about 1.8 million years ago, Homo erectus had a sense of compassion with rational thought evidenced through actions such as to care for the sick and to pay special attention to the dead, demonstrating grief and desire to soften the others’ suffering.” (1) 

    We believe that the graves dating from the Paleolithic era have proven already that at that time they already believed in life after death and in the power or influence of their ancestors on the daily life of the family group. Clan members practiced rites in honor of their dead in fear of reprisals, or to be benefited, or by the simple fact of considering them deified beings.

    Now, the puzzling question is how did primate become hominid? The answer is still unknown. There is still a “missing link", the biological species that represents this transition. "It can be said that due to the influence and intellectual action of more developed Spirits (than the apes), the wrap has changed, became more refined, maintaining its general shape. With the improvement of the body, and enlightenment of the Spirit, a new species appeared.” (2) Allan Kardec explains that "we do not know how the Spirits were created, where do they come from. We only know that they are created simple and ignorant, i.e., with no science and no knowledge, however, with the possibility of becoming perfect and of acquiring all and know all”.(3) The Spirit Andre Luiz states that "to reach the age of reason, with the title of man endowed with reasoning and judgment, the being automated in its impulses and on its way to the angelic kingdom, it took nothing less than a billion and a half years”.(4) 

    Many of the changes that took place in the "homo" were developed in his perispiritual structures, between one life and another (i. e., in the spiritual dimension). The Spirits that perform as builders, under the supervision of Christ, once in a while touched up the perispirit forms, and these changes created the magnetic field for future changes. Multiple experiences, within the genetic heritage of our ancestors, coordinated by sidereal geneticists were shaping those forms, which persisted to the present time. Natural selection was in charge of doing away with the unfit primitive forms.

    Permanent lineage for all species 

    As stated by Emmanuel, science seeks presently for the legitimate ancestors of human beings in this vast arena of soul’s evolution. "In the Tertiary period (5), under the guidance of spiritual spheres, some anthropoid races could be seen in the lower Pliocene (5.3 million to 1.6 million years ago). These apes, man’s ancestors on Earth, and the ancestors of apes, which still exist in the world, suffered their evolution at convergent points, hence the serological kinship between the body of the modern man and of today's chimpanzee”.(6) For the author of "Surrender", there was hardly a "coming down the tree" at the beginning of human evolution. "The spiritual forces that guide the earthly phenomena, under the guidance of Christ, established, at the time of the great malleability of the elements of matter, a definitive lineage for all species, within which the spiritual principle would find the process of its purification in its march to reach rationality”. (7)

    The anthropoids of the caves spread then in groups through the Earth, in the slow course of the centuries, suffering the influences of the environment and forming the early indications of the future races in its diverse types; the reality, however, is that the spiritual entities helped the silex man, giving him new biological expressions.

    The millennia saw these drastic experiences of the these beings with "long arms and very hairy, until one day the invisible Spirits operated a definite transition in the existing perispiritual body of these men, and the first primitive men appeared with an improved body, tending to the elegance of the future”.(8) 

    Death and "civilization" 

    Man only begins to be a Man when he starts to bury his dead, so says the historian, Anibal de Almeida Fernandes, on "The Genealogy as a basic factor in the formation of Civilization", and concludes: It is the dividing line between the animal and the first man, and it occurred about 40,000 years ago with the Homo sapiens and the Homo Neanderthal, even before agriculture was known, and it is the beginning of Human History. Worshipping the dead began, therefore, at a very early date and it can be found in almost all religions.

    Primitive communities inclined to worship agriculture and to the cult of fertility, believed originally that, by burying their dead near the farmland, the spirits of those dead bodies would reappear stronger, just as the seeds planted in fertile soil, but they also believed that this would happen as something secret and mysterious. Believing this, they revered their dead nearby the graves, with parties and, above all, with great joy, a practice that is still alive in some contemporary cultures. 

    The habits of primitive peoples changed due to the influence of others, coming probably from North Africa (the Iberians) and from Central Europe (the Celts). Let us see what one of the exponents of the Doctrine says: "The celebration of the dead comes from the Gauls (…) but, instead of celebrating the memory of their beloved ones, their friends, who were apart, but not lost, in cemeteries, among the graves, they did it at home. And sometimes these spirits manifested themselves through the Druid priestesses and the inspired bards." (9) The Gauls evoked their dead ancestors in places where there were rough stones.

    The Druid (priestesses) and the bards (poets and inspired speakers) were true "mediums" and only they were allowed to consult the oracles (in Antiquity, it was the response of a deity, who had been consulted about a certain matter). The Gauls, therefore, did not worship the dead body, but the surviving soul, and it was in the privacy of each home that they celebrated the memory of their dead, away from the catacombs, differently to the primitive peoples. 

    The arrival of cosmic aliens 

    Where did these “Intelligences” come from? The Spirit Emmanuel clarifies us, “many millennia ago, one of the orbs of “Capela” (Chapel) (10), which holds many affinities with our Earth, reached the top of one of its extraordinary evolutionary cycles. Some millions of rebellious Spirits, who lived there, in their path to evolution, were making life difficult for the consolidation of the tough achievements of those people full of piety and virtue. However, an overall cleansing took place, separating these Spirits and getting rid of them, thus doing justice to those who had achieved permanent peace and harmony to build their superior work”.(11) 

    The great spiritual communities, principals of the Cosmos, "deliberated, then, to locate those entities that had become obstinate in crime here in the distant Earth. They were supposed to accomplish, through pain and heavy work on their environment, not only the great achievements of their heart, but also to help and boost the progress of their inferior brothers. These distressed and afflicted beings would be banished in the dark face of the planet Earth. Therefore, they would reincarnate within ignorant and primitive races, and they would walk around despised in the night of millennia feeling sorrow and longing for their lost paradise in distant Heavens”. (12) Nature still was, for the workers of spirituality, a vast field of infinite experiences; in such a way that “if the observations of Mendel were transferred to those distant millennia, no definitive equation in their biology studies would be found. Modern genetics would not fix the term "genes" because, in the laboratory of the invisible forces, the cells still suffered long purification processes, by printing in them the astral elements, consolidating the final expressions, with a view to future organizations”.(13) 

    Savage solidarity? 

    Archaeologists believe that, during the period of time from 500,000 to 40,000 years (the interregnum), feeling evolved and the first humans, such as the Homo Heidelbergensis and the Neanderthals, already showed commitment to the well-being of other similar creatures, shown during a long youth and through need of hunting together. We believe that "we are not miraculous creations, intended for the adornment of a cardboard paradise. We are, yes, children of God and heirs of the world, conquering values, from one experience to another, from millennium to millennium." (14) With the conquest of reason, reasoning appears, as well as clarity, free will and continuous thought. "Until then, progress had a centripetal direction (from the outside to the inside); the human being grew by force of circumstances, since it was not aware of his reality, or his freedom of choice. Upon entering the hominal kingdom, the intelligent principle - now yes, Spirit - is able to direct his life, to conquer his values, through his own efforts, to begin an evolution in a centrifugal direction (from the inside to the outside).” (15)

    But the conquest of intelligence is only the first step that the Spirit will give during his stay in the hominal kingdom. "He started the valiant fight to conquer the higher values of the soul: responsibility, sensitivity, sublimation of emotions, in short, all the conditioning that will allow the Spirit raise up to the community of Angelic Beings.” (16) Premonitory dreams, visions of spirits, hearing the voice of the dead, including the direct voice phenomena, and the materialization of spirits were concrete facts that led primitive man to the belief in the continuation of life after death.

    From the Neanderthals mediums came directly the sorcerers, ancient priests of all religions. (17) 

    Earth sentiment and humanizing 

    "Man is the measure of all things", according to a sophist principle attributed to Protagoras. However, this measure is based on affection, so to speak, and with no control of reason. Therefore, Herculano Pires says, "it is by feeling, and not by reason, that the primitive man humanizes the world”. (18) Thus, scientific theories are confirmed when they state that the prehistoric man already had the feeling of compassion in his rational thinking and shown through effective measures he took regarding other similar creatures. 

    Notes and references: 

    (1) Published in the Galileo Magazine available on site.

    (2) Kardec, Allan. “Genesis", Rio de Janeiro: FEB 1997 Chapter 11, a. "Hypothesis on the origin of the human body".

    (3) Kardec, Allan. Posthumous Works, Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1999, § 3, First Part.

    (4) Xavier, Francisco Candido and Waldo Vieira. Evolution in Two Worlds, dictated by the Spirit Andre Luiz, Rio de Janeiro; Publisher: FEB, 1994.

    (5) The tertiary and quaternary designations are remnants of a previous geological nomenclature, when they were used to distinguish the younger rocks. The oldest ones were then classified as primary and secondary. The Tertiary era is subdivided into five periods: Paleocene (66.4 to 57.8 million years), Eocene (57.8 to 36.6 million years), Oligocene (36.6 to 23.7 million years), Miocene (23.7 to 5.3 million years) and Pliocene (5.3 million to 1.6 million years). The quaternary period is divided in turn in Pleistocene (1.6 million years to ten thousand years) and Holocene, or the present period (for the last ten thousand years).

    (6) Xavier, Francisco Candido. The Path of Light, dictated by the Spirit Emmanuel, Rio de Janeiro; Ed. FEB 1991.

    (7) Ibid.

    (8) Ibid.

    (9) Denis, Leon. The Celtic genius and the invisible world. Rio de Janeiro: Publisher: CELD. 1995. Page 180.

    (10) Capela (Chapel) is a magnificent Sun, many times larger than our Sun. The distance from our Earth to Capela (Chapel) is measured in 42 light-years. It is known since ancient times. Capela (Chapel) is a gaseous star, according to the celebrated astronomer and physicist Arthur Stanley Eddington, Englishman, and its matter is so fluidic matter that its density can be mistaken with the air we breathe.

    (11) Xavier, Francisco Candido. The Path of Light, dictated by the Spirit Emmanuel, Rio de Janeiro; Publisher: FEB, 1991.

    (12) Ibid.

    (13) Ibid.

    (14) Ibid.

    (15) Ibid.

    (16) Xavier, Francisco Candido and Waldo Vieira. Evolution in Two Worlds, dictated by the Spirit Emmanuel, Rio de Janeiro; Publisher: FEB, 1994.

    (17) Djalma Argollo. Mediumship studies before Kardec Codification

    (18) J. Herculano Pires. The Spirit and the Time, Anthropological Introduction to Spiritism, Sao Paulo: Edicel 1979, 3rd edition.

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